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Why should I buy slat supports for my mattress?

Slat-bases give support for your mattress and mattress cover - far less compacting or wear and tear. Your mattress will last a lot longer.

Adjustable for personal comfort, weight and body shape.
    • Individual choice lies at the core of the Bedtek system.
    • Each partner chooses his or her own settings (the degree of contouring and comfort, or firmness)
    • Adjustments can be made to their side of the bed only if desired.

Flexibility and conversion
Bedtek slat bases can be retro-fitted to any bed frame, and the fitting of electric slat bases will turn your bed into fully-functional electric bed.

Recommendation: Buy a slat base and mattress combination

It all comes down to good suspension.

All quality beds are sold with adjustable mattress support bases. Flexible-slat bases are extremely important for ergonomic body support (comfort adjustment) and gentle mattress support for the mattress.

The flexible wooden slatted frame has plenty of 'give' when put under load, and the individual slats automatically tilt to adjust to the shape of your body.

A good mattress deserves the very best slat suspension. Do not accept anything less!
Even the very best mattress will struggle to provide your spine with the correct support if the slat suspension (slatted frame) is too soft and saggy. The result is the notorious hammock effect, which subjects your spine to unnecessary strain.

Look for what functions you want in slat bases

  1. comfort adjustable slat bases adjustable in the hip/middle firmness and shoulder zone areas.
  2. manual-lift elevation slat bases adjustable in the hip/middle firmness and shoulder zone areas, with manual head and leg lift functions.
  3. full electric-adjustable recliners adjustable in the hip/middle firmness and shoulder zone areas, push-button remore control of all knee-break and back and head power lift functions.

Additional things to to look for when buying slat bases:

1. High profile rubber or hytril bio-plastic slat-mounts. The mounts (or caps) are what connect each slat to the slatted frame. The flexibility and even travel of these caps (after the mattress) is the most important part of the 'sleep system'.
Good slats can make even the most modest 'value' mattress feel great. Try to avoid the posture slats which mount into the side of the bed or slatted frame. Each slat needs a flexible mount.

2. Centre adjustment for firmness in the middle, and softer shoulder elements that align your spine when sleeping in the side position.

Human bodies are different in shape and weight, and all people are heavier in the middle. Shoulders are generally wide. These areas of the body need special care - buy only slats that are individually adjustable in these areas.

3. Beech - not Birch.
Birch slats are a lesser quality alternative to the highly flexible and strong traditional Beech slats.

4. Attempt to match the manufacturer of your slat to the manufacturer of your mattress.
It stands to reason that European mattress manufacturers test their slats on their own mattresses - not on those of their competitors.

5. Where two people regularly sleep on the bed - make sure each person has their own slatted frame under their side of the bed.

There are some slats on the market which span the full width of the bed. These do nothing more than amplify partner disturbance.

6. If you sleep alone in bed, consider a European-size double bed - which unlike the Australian size double, has a full 2 metre length (incidentally, all slats, mattresses and beds are also available in 2.1 and 2.2 meter lengths.)

7. If you weigh over 100kgs, consider a system with 42 slats instead of the traditional 28 slat systems.
You will get better support and weight distribution when you have more slats. These systems are not recommended for people under 80kgs.

8. Reap the benefits.
Many health professionals claim that putting your feet up for just 20 minutes is equivalent to having 2 hours rest.

If you wish to raise your upper body and/or legs for reading or for rest, we recommend that you select from our manually adjustable or electric power-adjustable slats.